Mevlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Saturday, June 23, 2007

What Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani said about Maulana Rumi:


He is, he has no nothingness, I love him and I boast of him, I chose his path, I turn my face to his path.

Everyone has a lover, he is my lover, eternal lover.
He is the one I love, he is beautiful, oh he is most perfect.
The ones who love him are the never dying lovers.
He is he and he is he and they are he.

This is a secret if you hve love you will understand it. Maulanas understand it, for others it is forbidden.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Rumi's poem about aging:

Why does a date-palm lose its leaves in autumn?

Why does every beautiful face grow in old age?
Wrinkled like the back of a libyan lizard?
Why does a full head of hair get bald?
Why is the tall, straight figure
That divided the ranks like a spear
Now bent alomost double?
Why is it that the
Lion strength weakens to nothing?
The wrestler who could hold anyone down
Is led out with two people supporting him,
Their shoulders under his arms?
God answers,
"They put on borrowed robes
and pretended they were theirs.
I take the beautiful clothes back,
so that you will learn the robe
of appearance is only a loan."
Your lamp was lit from another lamp.
All God wants is your gratitude for that.

For Rumi, it is not aging that is loss. On contrary, life itself is loss, a nostalgia for our Origin from which we find ourselves separated. For Jalal ad-Din, the"last of life" is that for which "the first was made," even includes death itself:

Inside the Great Mystery that is, we don't really own anything. What is this competition we feel then, before we go, one at a time, through the same gate.