Monday, July 02, 2007

Working with Our Humanness

SOMEONE SAID, "There is something I have
forgotten." There is one thing in the world that
should not be forgotten. You may forget
everything except that one thing, without there
being any cause for concern. If you remember
everything else but forget that one thing, you will
have accomplished nothing. It would be as if a
king sent you to a village on a specific mission. If
you went and performed a hundred other tasks,
but neglected to accomplish the task for which
you were sent, it would be as though you had
done nothing. The human being therefore has
come into the world for a specific purpose and
aim. If one does not fulfill that purpose, one has
done nothing. "We purposed the faith unto the
heavens, and the earth, and the mountains: and
they refused to undertake it, and were afraid of
it; but the human being undertook it: and yet truly,
he was unjust to himself, and foolish". [Qur'an 33:72]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent :) May Allah grant that we all accomplish that one thing.

Ya Haqq!

11:17 am  
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2:00 am  

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